La Veta Fire Protection District Board
The La Veta Fire Protection District (LVFPD) is a Special District as established in the Colorado Statutes.
Special Districts were created in recognition of the fact that Colorado communities have developed within natural areas and don’t necessarily follow county boundaries. Special Districts are formed to serve a specific function (such as Fire and EMS services), and have taxing powers over the land owners within their boundaries. LVFPD servers the communities of the towns of La Veta and the Cuchara and the surrounding area.
The LVFPDis managed by a Board of Directors consisting of five volunteer members, elected by the voters in the district. The current board members are:
- Mickey Schmidt (President)
- Vonnie Valdez (Vice President)
- Jim Alt (Treasurer)
- Mike Lacy (Secretary)
- Mark Brunner (Director)

Mickey Schmidt

Vonnie Valdez
(Vice President)

Jim Alt

Mike Lacy

Mark Brunner