Community Outreach
We Are the First Line of Defense!
It is important for our community to prepare itself and become FIREWISE! Prevention starts with you and your family!
La Veta Fire Protection District
P.O. Box 444
100 Birch Street
La Veta, CO 81055
(719) 742-3656
Email: lvfpd@lavetafire.org
It is important for our community to prepare itself and become FIREWISE! Prevention starts with you and your family!
Firewise information from the Colorado Springs Fire Department to provide residents an easy way to identify their home's wildfire risk and things they can do to reduce that risk. A must read for all who live in the urban/wildland interface!!
Visit Firewise USA WebsiteThese maps show fire danger (FD), thousand hour fuel moisture levels (TH), and hundred hour fuel moisture levels in the lower 48 states - courtesy of the USDA Forest Service Wildland Fire Assessment System. These are great maps that explain why we have burn bans in the urban/wildland interface.